Thursday, June 28, 2007

Easiest Way To Download YouTube Video Clips

Kiss YouTubeKiss YouTube offers the easiest way for downloading video clips from YouTube. To download and save a YouTube video clip, just add the word “kiss” to the video URL in your browser address bar and hit enter. And then click on the download link provided to save the video to your computer.

Remember to save your video with .flv extension so that you can play it with a FLV player.

For example, if your YouTube URL is, you can download the video clip by inserting the word “kiss” in front of the domain name. Hence the example video URL will become

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Unknown said... does that for you without a software, one of the best sites i have ever seen. Just enter the url and you can download and save the movie in any format you like. Great for ipods

bnpblog said...

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